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Living in Copan Ruinas

Copán Ruinas is a small town of under 10,000 inhabitants, located 12km from the Guatemalan border. it is a nice place to live, particularly for Central America: small enough to be safe, large and touristed enough to offer a lot.

Copán’s economic heart is tourism, it has many hotels and restaurants that cater to international visitors. Copan is a rural, agricultural area that enjoys international status thanks to the Mayan archaeological site nearby.

Although Copán has running water and electricity, there can be outages of both. Water from the tap comes from the river and is not drinkable (for this, you buy 5-gallon jugs of water for L25/$1). Hot water will come from an electric heater in your shower, and your stove will run on gas canisters (delivered) or electricity.

Because Copán is so small, as an outsider here, people around town will know who you are even before you meet them. Families here are tightly-knit and interconnected, and news travels quickly from person to person.

Volunteers can expect to find some but not all of the products and foodstuffs that they are used in their home countries. We highly recommend you bring your favorite foods and toiletries with you, not to mention specialized medicines. 


Mayan Ruins

The UNESCO World Heritage Mayan archaeological site that has made Copán famous is about 1 km from the town. 

Visit the Mayan ruins and learn about the ancient civilization that was and still is a vital part of Copan Ruinas and its community.


Macaw Mountain Bird Bark

Located on ten acres of forested terrain in a stream-fed valley, the eco-tourism project is only 10 minutes away by vehicle from the central square of Copán Ruinas, Honduras. 

Macaw Montan bird park is a sanctuary for the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of birds. Part of their mission is to promote the conservation of the cultural and natural heritage and to lobby for an environmentally responsible society.

Things to do in Copan Ruinas


Luna Jaguar Spa / Hot Springs

One hour away by vehicle, from the Copan Ruinas main plaza, Luna Jaguar Spa is developed as a Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Wellness Center of Natural Hot Springs. Developed from thermal waters at a temperature of 83* that are born from the earth, is the perfect place to disconnect and reconnect with yourself.

A place that allows visitors to have an unforgettable sensation of physical and sensory relaxation, where the birth of hot and cold waters that are combined in the same area, along with its rustic surroundings in the forest make this place something unique to the world.


El Paseo de los Girasoles

Coffee Shops and Restaurants

Copan Ruinas has a variety of coffee shops and restaurants where you can find local and international food. 

Night Life 

Discover Copan Ruinas' nightlife. Full of tourism, Copan has different things to offer.  

After Huracanes ETA and IOTA in  2020 and the global pandemic, a local family opened Copan Ruinas newest touristic attraction in 2021. A clear example of perseverance and inventiveness. 

10 minutes by moto-taxi from the Central Plaza El Paseo de Los Girasoles has approximately 20 sunflower varieties that blossom every month. The perfect place to visit with friends and family.

Join us at Mayatan and discover the beauty of Copan Ruinas!

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